4+1 Program
Degree Description
Back to topThe CS 4+1 program allows Emory undergraduates to obtain a BA/BS from Emory College in four years and a CS MS degree from the Laney Graduate School in one extra year. To complete the program, 4+1 students are expected to take two graduate courses each semester of their senior year and six more graduate courses (or equivalent project hours) in the +1 year.
At most 6 graduate course credits may be double-counted toward the BA/BS degree, and students must enrolled as full time students (9 credit hours) in the Laney Graduate School for two terms after they earn their BA/BS.
Back to top- Complete three core CS MS courses, based on chosen CS MS concentration.
- Complete four elective courses, based on chosen CS MS concentration.
- Complete one of the following three options:
- Three more elective courses, based on chosen CS MS concentration.
- One more elective course based on chosen CS MS concentration + six project credit hours (under the supervision of a CSI faculty member).
- A nine hours thesis project (under the supervision of a CSI faculty member)
- Complete an internship.
Further information on the CS MS degree program can be found here.
Applying to the CS 4+1 Program
Back to topAll Emory undergraduates who meet the following requirements can apply:
- Have a GPA of 3.25 or higher.
- Have taken (or are taking) all the following courses: Math 111, Math 112, Math 221, CS 170, CS 171, CS 224, CS 255 and CS 253 (formerly CS 323).
The deadline for applying to the 4+1 program for possible Fall 2025 admission is March 31, 2025.
Create an account. Once you have created an account, you need to choose "4+1 Programs," and you will find "Computer Science" listed under that heading. You will be applying for "Fall 2025"
For any questions or inquiries, please email CS-MS-ADMINS@listserv.cc.emory.edu