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The Graduate Student Research Award recognizes outstanding research by students working towards degrees in Computer Science. This award is given annually to student(s) nominated by faculty and selected by a group of faculty members designated by the Graduate Committee.
Recent Grads
Pawel Jurczyk, PhD (2009)
Pawel's thesis was on Scalable and Privacy-Preserving Integration of Distributed Heterogeneous Data.
Advisor: Li Xiong

Julianne Chung, PhD (2011)
Julianne's Ph.D. research in computational mathematics developed new methods for efficiently de-blurring images.
Advisor: James Nagy

Sebastien Siva, PhD (2011)
Sebastien's Ph.D. research explored techniques for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) in relational algebra.
Advisor: James Lu

Qi Guo, PhD (2012)
Qi's research was on inferring searcher intent by mining user interaction data. Awards include SIGIR Best Paper award and WSDM best student paper award.
Advisor: Eugene Agichtein

Dmitry Lagun, Ph.D. (2014)
Dmitry's research developed new methods for inferring attention from interaction data, applied to Web search and Neurology. Dmitry was honored with Yahoo FREP award, and best paper awards from SIGIR and WSDM conferences.
Advisor: Eugene Agichtein

Sanjay Agravat, PhD
Sanjay's research was on Advancing the elucidation of the Human Glycome through an expert-based systems approach, and more geenrally on Big Data in Biomedical Research.
Advisor: Lee Cooper

Li Chen, PhD, (2017)
University Dr. Li Chen is part of the Omics and Informatics Cluster hire, hosted in Department of Health Outcomes and Research Policy at the Harrison School of Pharmacy. He is working on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology by using statistical and informatics methods.

Yandong Liu, MS (2009)
Yandong worked on mining and searching social media data (CQA archives). Published multiple papers in top CS conferences, internships at Microsoft Research and Yahoo Labs.

Haojian Jin, MS (2013)
Haojian worked on mining mobile search behavior data for search quality evaluation.

Ameen Kazerouni, MS (2015)
Ameen worked on biomedical informatics and big data analytics with concentration in life sciences.